
在Mac App Store 上的「Comic Viewer Lite」

Comic Viewer Lite is a simple comic reader on the Mac. Choose a folder which has the comic images and then scroll up/down with mouse wheel or touch pad for ...

Simple Comic on the Mac App Store

評分 3.9 (99) · 免費 · 公用程式/工具 Simple Comic has a variety of useful features including multi-page reading modes, a thumbnail browser, and support for both Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right ...

Simple Comic for Mac

評分 4.1 (15) · 免費 · Mac OS · Simple Comic for Mac is a fast, lightweight comic reader for the Mac that will open a number of different file formats. This makes it very portable.

mtgtoFomalhaut2: macOS comic viewer

A comic viewer for macOS. A native macOS GUI application; Collect your own comics (zip/cbz, rar/cbr, 7z/cb7, PDF); See your own comics via web browser ...

The 9 Best Apps and Sites for Reading Comic Books on Mac

The 9 Best Apps and Sites for Reading Comic Books on Mac · 1. YACReader · 2. DrawnStrips Reader · 3. Comic CBR · 4. Astonishing Comic Reader · 5.

Best Comic Book Reader for Mac? : rmacapps

Seconding Simple Comic, it's what I use. (Although I wasn't aware it had that Quicklook capability, thanks for introducing me to that!)

Best Comic Book App for Mac OS ? : rmacapps

iComics: iComics is a feature-rich comic book reader app that works well on Mac OS. It supports trackpad gestures for zooming, panning, and ...


YACReader is the best comic reader and comic manager with support for cbr cbz zip rar comic files. It is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Downloads · Features · Android · iOS

Yet Comic Reader for Mac

評分 8/10 (1) · 免費 · 教育 Yet Comic Reader is a special app that allows users to convert the pages of their old comic books to PDFs so that they can be read on their electronic device.


ComicViewerLiteisasimplecomicreaderontheMac.Chooseafolderwhichhasthecomicimagesandthenscrollup/downwithmousewheelortouchpadfor ...,評分3.9(99)·免費·公用程式/工具SimpleComichasavarietyofusefulfeaturesincludingmulti-pagereadingmodes,athumbnailbrowser,andsupportforbothRight-to-LeftandLeft-to-Right ...,評分4.1(15)·免費·MacOS·SimpleComicforMacisafast,lightweightcomicreaderfortheMacthatwillopenanumb...